Dear Drained Type A Sisters
I spent years not realizing that I was adding to the 'discontent' in my body by operating in only 1 of my 2 energies most of the time...the masculine one. The aches. The pains. My intestinal issues. Feeling like I had the flu constantly. Neck and shoulder pain. You name it. It wasn't all because I was operating primarily in the masculine state clearly but I'll give you a personal example of how I know the mind and energy is so powerful in our physical well being and then I'll reference an article in case you're more interested in the discovery of energy and emotional trappings in the body. (Of course our friend Google can find tons of conversations and research on the subject.)
A couple of years ago my health took a terrible turn. I was recovering from a mis-prescribed drug called prednisone that crashed my adrenals completely and I experienced for a brief time what it felt like to be paralyzed. It took 3 years to get 'back'. When it first crashed there was nothing I could do. There was no "pushing" though which was my norm up to that point in my life.
2 years into this journey, I'm finding myself crashing out hard where I HAD TO hide in the guest bedroom to fully rest about once a month for 2-3 days while my husband completely took over with the house and kids. It was beginning to really inhibit our lives. My coach at the time challenged the thought that maybe some of it was self-induced. Self-induced?! You've GOT to be KIDDING ME! But as a seeker of the truth. I journaled just as she asked me to. There it was on my paper, the ink revealed a buried secret I had hidden from myself...I subconsciously filed away that when I'm sick I can have a guilt-free break to rest and be alone. I could not see fit to give myself time just because I needed it. I had to have a reason and that reason morphed into "making myself" very ill to get the time alone my spirit craves.
I love my children with all that have. To think I needed a break made me feel awful. I'm a person who rejuvenates alone and in silence and once I became a mom that was a distant luxury. The SIMPLE AWARENESS and reveal to my husband so that we could come up with an isolation plan, helped my crashes nearly disappear.
As I've finally embraced and celebrated the feminine energy within me (and believe me it's a constant practice) along with some other health routines I'll share another time, my daily flulike symptoms are gone and my intestinal and shoulder issues are in less than 1/2. I had no idea the tension that was building in my body because I was always in charge and in control and handing things and not 'saying' physically and mentally - "that's enough". And OH the attraction of people and things that have followed have been a gift!
So what about you? Do you ache from FREEDOM? A flow? Relief from responsibility? Some passionate feelings again about yourself or another?
Perhaps this driving, achieving, winning state serves you well in areas but is it necessary/needed or even harmful in other areas? Perhaps you too adopted it as a survival mechanism as a child or when you become a single parent or married someone who left you feeling unstable or after that time you got deeply hurt.
If your inner knowing feels restless...unsettled,..dissatisfied. Tense. Yearning for more. I'm going to challenge you to allow yourself to peek into letting go from time to time. To be 'stereotypically' feminine. And yes, even SENSUAL. Tell yourself that it does't have to be forever if you're not sure. Just as an experiment. Experience the FULL-ness of life now by allowing the freedom of flowing back and forth in your energies of masculine and feminine.
Look out for upcoming workshop and online tutorials to help you tap in to that forgotten or under utilized part of yourself.
We at SHE-ness and the Tribe want to hear from you. How did your experiment go? What did you do to access your flow? What were your gifts and what were your challenges?
Join the conversation and movement as we explore and EMBRACE the FREEDOM of SHE and UNITY to SELF!!
One of MANY supportive articles about emotional/physical connection: https://chopra.com/articles/mind-body-connection-understanding-the-psycho-emotional-roots-of-disease