The Secrets to Attracting Your Deepest Desires For High-Achieving
If you're a high-achieving woman, let's sit together like we're around the campfire, passing on our secrets and bypassing each others’ mistakes. For decades, I was silently suffering. I was spinning. I was lying next to my husband - a nice person - feeling completely ALONE.
Maybe you’re in a relationship (or have been) and you don’t feel like you can really get fully vulnerable or receive a deep understanding or have a range of conversations that are engaging and safe.
I asked for counseling for 11 years. I'm so grateful that at the time, my husband wasn't willing to go to counseling. Why? Because, in the end, it forced me to point the inquiry inward. The only true place I could control. Asking myself the question: “How did I contribute to my discontent?”
The reality is that you are with you no matter where you go. In that uncovering of radical responsibility - that I contributed through my own energy - I realized I thought I was "being capable," handling" everything, and taking the pressure off my partner.
I'll let you in on a secret...
It was our relationship dynamic that created a sinking ship within me. I didn't understand the energetic dynamic between masculine and feminine energies. And what happens when a feminine-energetic woman takes on the "masculine" role for too long. See if these sound familiar to you: Burnout. Depletion. Irritability. Physical issues like heart disease, immune disorders, adrenal fatigue, and cancers. Why? We carry emotion in our body. When we are carrying so much weight of responsibility on a regular basis, we become resentful, not at peace, not attracted to our partner as much, not even thinking about s3x with our partner, feeling guilty. You may not know how to articulate it or be fully aware that this gradual dynamic has occurred but think back to the more playful, young woman version of you. There is a difference that happened slowly over time.
Innocently, we are contributing and even causing our own irritability. I’ve been working with thousands of women over the past 20+ decades women for decades and when they let down the veil, this is the real pattern:
You are either going head to head "fighting" and in conflict, or you've got the "pleaser guy" giving you ‘everything’ yet you don't know why it's not enough and you’re not attracted to him. The answer is energetics/biology. The fighter dynamic…you can fight and be amazing at it. Masculine at core was built to fight. His body doesn’t hold the battle as much. YOU walk off the battlefield carrying that in your body and eventually end up with one of the side effects mentioned above. If yours is a pleaser, you're not attracted to that feminine energy he’s unconsciously emitting. You want the masculine polarity. So you are like 2 magnets and with the same side facing each other and repelling.
So how do you heal this dynamic and align with your deepest desires for your current or future relationship? It starts with radical responsibility.
I have a 10-week course and private sessions just for you - the high-achieving woman willing to go to the depths to access your highest potential and prosperity. What are the ‘things you accumulate’ without the juicy relationship to witness all your radiance? What can you do to shift your own energy so you can magnetize and attract even more of what you know is there for you?
When you are willing to do the deep work of realigning your feminine magnetism, everything can shift - your relationships, your career, your health, your intuitive power, your ability to receive. It begins with you upgrading for your side of the dynamic.
The answers you seek are within you. The path is being blazed by women like us. Are you finally ready to claim your deepest, most radiant desires? If so, you know where to find me and this sacred community of high-vibe high-achievers. Click this link to discover more: Becoming An Energy Magnet